As of now, I plan on asking him about the current cure curves for TT3 and TT4 -- TT3 data is now 10 years out so the low risk patients should have achieved a true plateau is there is one. The last data that was routinely spoken about was in a 2009 publication called "modeling for the cure" but that data has been pulled down. Is this because the data did not hold up to longer-term study? Or for a less distressing reason? This reporter wants to know!
I'll also be asking very specifically about the monoclonal light chain that is believed by some to be a sign of disease eradication but could also be disease return.
It should be an interesting conversation -- all of the ones in which I've participated have been very enlightening.
The call is December 16th at 3PM pacific time, 6PM EST. Registration and dial-in information is below for those interested.
Have a great weekend!
Registration link:
Dial-in: 718-664-6574